International Summer School in Astrobiology

The Josep Comas i Solà International Astrobiology Summer School is held annually in Santander, Spain.

International Summer School in Astrobiology

The Josep Comas i Solà International Astrobiology Summer School is held annually in Santander, Spain.

Dates: Monday, September 6 through Friday, September 10, 2021, contingent on travel approval.

The application deadline is Thursday, April 1, 2021, and selections will be made by May 1, 2021

The school is primarily aimed at graduate students in science or engineering, but is open to post-doctoral fellows and advanced undergraduates with research experience in the origin of life and astrobiology. Applicants requesting NASA Astrobiology Program support must be affiliated with US institutions. Questions can be directed to Melissa Kirven at

The participation of students from ESA Member States, Canada and Slovenia can be funded by the European Space Agency (ESA). Furthermore, students enrolled in Universities from European Union (as well as from other countries belonging to the European Higher Education Area, EHEA: could also be directly funded by the UIMP (Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo). Interested students please contact Victor Parro ( for further details.

See full information here


6 - 10 September 2021

Santander, Spain


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