PRELIFE Consortium Seeks the Origin of Life on Earth and in the Universe

PRELIFE Consortium Seeks the Origin of Life on Earth and in the Universe

An interdisciplinary research consortium led by Inge Loes ten Kate (Utrecht University, University of Amsterdam) has been awarded an NWA grant by the Dutch Research Council (NWO) for investigating the origin of life on Earth and in the universe. The consortium, named “PRELIFE – Pathways, Reactions, and Environments,” will receive €6.7 million—just like eight other selected proposals—to explore this research question. The consortium comprises scientists from sixteen universities and research institutes across the Netherlands, along with experts in science communication and education.

The origin of life is one of science’s greatest unsolved puzzles. Various theories exist, but there is no consensus. PRELIFE adopts an interdisciplinary approach that brings together astronomy, biology, earth and planetary sciences, computer science, physics, educational science, chemistry, and mathematics to tackle the question: “How and under what conditions did life originate on Earth, and how common are these conditions in the universe?”

These questions resonate with society as well. Therefore, teachers, schoolchildren, and the public will be involved in the quest for answers through educational projects and collaborations with artists and museums.

According to consortium leader Inge Loes ten Kate, it is “unique in the Netherlands” for such a large group of interdisciplinary researchers to address a subject that has so far been examined only within individual disciplines. For instance, one team includes a biogeochemist and a mathematician, while another team sees chemists collaborating with computer scientists. Ten Kate adds, “There will also be collaboration among all 16 teams. Our ultimate goal is to determine which of the prevailing theories are most plausible from these different perspectives. We hope to make a significant step toward answering our central research question.”

A total of nine consortia have received funding for research within the program line “Research along Routes by Consortia” (ORC) of the National Science Agenda (NWA). Each consortium will work on a project centered around a theme from the NWA routes. In these projects, researchers collaborate with knowledge partners and societal organizations.

The foundation for the creation and renewal of the National Science Agenda lies with citizens. In the NWA program, connecting society and science is essential. Governments, researchers, societal organizations, and citizens jointly develop and utilize knowledge to achieve scientific and societal impact. Through science communication, knowledge is shared within society to increase involvement in and trust of science.————————————————————————————————————

More Information


Prof. Dr. Ir. Inge Loes ten Kate, Utrecht University / University of Amsterdam / Origins Center

Scientists involved

Inge Loes ten Kate, Juan-Carlos Afonso, Veronica Allen, Marieke Baan, Ruben Baart, Hannie van den Bergh, Arie van den Berg, Thomas Blankers, Bert Bredeweg, Fraukje Brouwer, Jaro Camphuijsen, Alessandra Candian, Stéphanie Cazaux, Melissa McClure, Ko-Ju Chuang, Herma Cuppen, Michel van Dartel, Bram van Dijk, Arwen Deuss, Martijn Egas, Timo van Eldijk, Rampal Etienne, Ben Feringa, Sonja Geilert, Mieke Gerritzen, Lennart de Groot, Douwe van Hinsbergen, Renee Hoekzema, Joanna Holt, Inga Kamp, Nathalie Katsonis, Willem Kegel, Helen King, Janne Koornneef, Alissa Kotowski, Marco Kragten, Leo Kriegsman, Thanja Lamberts, Tim Lichtenberg, Niels Ligterink, Nienke van der Marel, Paul Mason, Wouter Meys, Michiel Min, Patrick Onck, Sijbren Otto, Sijme-Jan Paardekooper, Annemieke Petrigniani, Frederic Petrigniani, Bob Planqué, Sandra Potin, Esther Quaedackers, Rick Quax, Wouter Roos, Bart Root, Frank van Ruitenbeek, Mónica Sánchez Román, Evan Spruijt, Edgar Steenstra, Floris van der Tak, Cedric Thieulot, Kirsten ten Tusscher, Gijs Verdoes Kleijn, Pieter Vroon, Wim van Westrenen, Mariette Wolthers, Albert Wong, Mark van Zuilen

Institutes and companies involved

Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS)

Avans University of Applied Sciences (AvUAS)

Delft University of Technology (TUD)

Leiden University (LEI)

Naturalis Biodiversity Center

Netherlands eScience Center

Netherlands Institute for Space Research (SRON)

Next Nature


Radboud University (RU)

Studio HB

University of Amsterdam (UvA)

University of Groningen (RUG)

University of Twente (UT)

Utrecht University (UU)

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU)

Work packages

WP1. Novel constraints on reading the isotope and trace-element signatures of Hadean zircons.

WP2. Surface redox state and ocean levels of the earliest Earth.

WP3. Geodynamic exploration of emergence and evolution of Hadean paleogeography.

WP4. Constraining the geochemistry of the Hadean ocean.

WP5. Life as an emergent phenomenon of a complex dynamical system.

WP6. The emergence of metabolism and compartmentalization in peptide-based self-replicating systems.

WP7. From building blocks to polymerisation on water-rich worlds.

WP8. Origin of protocells on late Hadean Earth.

WP9. Enhancing the evolvability of self-replicating molecules.

WP10. Modelling information transfer in chemical self-replicators and the emergence of complex interactions.

WP11. First evidence of life: determining biogenicity with novel tools from mathematics.

WP12. Diversity of the composition of Earth-like planets forming in the habitable zone.

WP13. Inheritance versus reset: survival of organic molecules from molecular clouds to larger icy bodies.

WP14. The chemical composition of oceans at the edge of our Solar System.

WP15. Guided discovery learning about the origins of life with knowledge representations.

WP16. Bridging the gap between origin of life research and society.


Written by



November 8, 2024


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